14 July 2005

Project outline

Here is the current outline of my dissertation at its present point-in-time. I will post a more detailed version as soon as possible, which will have less shorthand and will be more readable. I will also post samples of the draft itself, after I clean it up a bit more. I've decided on two chapters, the first will be dealing primarily with the topic of the everyday, while the second will be focused on space and spatiality issues.
  1. Introduction (max. 2 paragraphs)—definition of the everyday, framing, space
  2. Chapter 1: the everyday
  3. More about the everyday, discussed through one of the artists (perhaps Arman)
  4. Brief instance of the history of the everyday throughout art history, with conceptualism
  5. Arman, Kounellis, Rosler (3 countries? Globalization of conceptualism)
  6. Rosler = performance, anti-expressionist, feminism, southern California
  7. Arman = new realism, Yves Klein, Iris Clert, France
  8. Kounellis = Arte Povera, Italy, representation, natural materials, performance?
  9. Chapter 2: space and place
  10. Space and the art gallery—use Inside the White Cube here, demise of the frame
  11. Deleuze and repetition and difference: the difference in gallery space
  12. Historical context of 60/70s, counter-culture
  13. Foucault’s heterotopias, the museum—ex: the Mona Lisa, but it is a real place; the ICA
  14. The out of place/space (ex: Manet), what is art gallery space, discuss through all artists
  15. Contemporary = Patterson, Hirst, Kusama, Emin …
  16. Conclusion (one paragraph)


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